Distribution of 283 New Cases of the Corona Virus Positive in Indonesia April 22

Indonesia again announced the addition of Corona cases in Indonesia. At present 283 new cases are positive, bringing a total of 7,418 cases. Total until Wednesday (4/22/2020) there were 913 cases recovered, and 635 cases died.  
The distribution of 283 new positive cases of the Corona COVID-19 virus is as follows:Bali 2
IN Yogyakarta 3
DKI Jakarta 119
West Java 6
Central Java 30
East Java 35
West Kalimantan 4
East Kalimantan 1
Central Kalimantan 15
South Kalimantan 9
West Nusa Tenggara 15
West Sumatra 5
North Sumatra 9
South Sulawesi 13
Central Sulawesi 2
North Maluku 8
West Papua 1
Papua 5
West Sulawesi 1


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