Observers Ask Ruangguru Contract and Jokowi Workforce Explored

Bhima Yudhistira, an economist at the Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (Indef), suggested that the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and the budget supervisory authority should explore the issue of conflicts of interest in appointing Ruangguru as a partner of the Work Card

It still must be done even though CEO Ruangguru Belva Devara has resigned from the position of Special Staff of the President (Stafsus) Joko Widodo. 

Bhima said that if the government really wanted to break the contract with Ruangguru, it wasn't because Belva resigned, but there really was a conflict of interest in the MoU appointing the Workers' partners.   

Bhima explained that Belva was actually late in resigning as Special Staff. Belva should choose one of the Ruangguru Special Staff or CEO.

Bhima said Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Makarim had done so to avoid conflicts of interest. Nadiem resigned as CEO of Gojek after he was appointed as Minister of Education and Culture. has contacted the Executive Director of Managing Management of the Work Card Program, Denni Puspa Purbasari regarding the possibility of termination of the contract with Ruangguru. However, Denni has yet to respond. 

Meanwhile, Ruangguru Co-founder Muhammad Iman Usman claimed that Ruangguru did not take advantage of the situation in the Prakerja card project 

Iman explained that none of the Official Preferred Partner Platforms received special government budget allocations. Because the Employment Card scheme is a direct incentive aid and training credit. Training credits can be used in full according to the maximum value (Rp1 million), or not.

If used entirely, participants must choose thousands of classes provided by more than 192 training institutions along with 7 other platforms. Usman said that what determined the budget and class to be followed was the full rights of the participants in the Pre-Employment card.

Iman also explained that as many as 90 percent of the classes in the Ruangguru Skill Academy now existed before the Work Card was issued. He explained the business model was ' paid classes ' and the price was also in accordance with the market rate  


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